Ustica sape

San Giuseppe 2012 ad Ustica

La cerimonia pittoresca, religiosa e folk che si svolge ad Ustica, che per gran parte rispecchia ciò che e’ narrato nella Bibbia, avviene in maniera leggermente diversa rispetto ad altri posti da me frequentati:

Gesu’ ( il Bambinello ), Giuseppe e Maria escono dalla Chiesa e si incamminano verso il centro abitato, seguiti dai fedeli, in cerca di vitto e alloggio. Davanti ad una abitazione (le case prescelte per tradizione sono sempre le stesse da molti anni – Tranchina Umberto subentrato a Nava Antonino e Caminita Santina). Giuseppe bussa alla porta usando il suo bastone Pastorale, la proprietaria apre e chiede chi sono e cosa vogliono. Giuseppe risponde : ” siamo tre poveri pellegrini e cerchiamo un posto per la notte per dormire”, al che la proprietaria seccamente risponde :” Mi rispiaci nun c’e’ locu pi vui ! ” ( Mi dispiace non c’e’ posto per voi ) e sbatte loro la porta in faccia . I tre fanno un altro tentativo e ricevono lo stesso identico trattamento. Finalmente i nostri “eroi” si avviano verso la Chiesa e bussano alla porta dell’edifico adiacente. La persona che apre la porta chiede ” chi siete ? ” Giuseppe risponde : ” Siamo Gesu’, Giuseppe e Maria ” Allora la persona apre le braccia in un gesto di accoglienza e dice: !

” Entrate tutti a casa mia ! ” Entrano e trovano dentro la famosa tavola di S. Giuseppe imbandita di ogni ben di Dio (un tempo vi era anche la tartaruga).



The colorful religious and folk ceremony that takes place in the street of Ustica each year on S. Joseph Day largely reflect what is narrated in the Bible, and is a little different than other similar events celebrated in othe parts of Sicily.

Jesus’ (the Baby), Joseph and Mary leave the church and walk towards the town, followed by the faithful, in search of food and lodging. In front of a house (the houses selected are traditionally the same for many years – Tranchina Umberto and Caminita Santina) Joseph knocked on the door using his pastoral staff, the owner opens and asks who they are and what they want. Joseph says: “We are three poor pilgrims seeking a place to sleep for the night,” to which the owner replied dryly in usticese dialect ” ‘Un c’e’ locu pi vui ” (I’m sorry there is no ‘place for you) and slams the door in their face. The three make another attempt, and received the exact same treatment. Finally our “heroes” are coming toward church and S. Joseph knocks on the door of the adjacent building . The person who opens the door asks ” Who are you? “Joseph says:” We are Jesus’, Joseph and Mary at which point that person opens his arms in a gesture of welcome and says :

“Come all to my house! ” They go inside followed by all the people in the procession and find the famous ” table ” of St. Joseph with all kinds of food and specialites ( in the old days, i remember there was also a turtle

Nuccio Caserta dalla California


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Dalla California Marlene Robershaw Marfrè

Thank you Pietro for the beautiful pictures of the Ustica Festa di San Guiseppe !!! And thank you also Agostino, for the detailed story of this celebration in Ustica. When I sent in the fotos of the Festa in Seal Beach I forgot to mention that they just went to one door, the door to the church hall where Tavolo di San Guiseppe was. And of course they let them in !!! but we did not get to eat the beautiful food at the table, too many people. I am looking forward to being there in Ustica for the Festa di il Pescadori in Maggio !!!

Marlene Robershaw, Manfre

———– Traduzione

Grazie Pietro per le bellissime foto della Festa di San Giuseppe ad Ustica! E grazie anche Agostino, per la storia dettagliata di questa celebrazione in Ustica. Quando ho mandato le foto della Festa in Seal Beach ho dimenticato di dire che sono andati ad una porta, la porta della parrocchiale, dove era la tavola di San Giuseppe. E naturalmente li hanno lasciato entrare! ma non siamo riusciti a mangiare il buon cibo della bella tavola, troppe persone. Non vedo l’ora di essere lì in Ustica per la Festa dei pescatori in Maggio!

Marlene Robershaw, Manfre


2 risposte

  1. The colorful religious and folk ceremony that takes place in the street of Ustica each year on S. Joseph Day largely reflect what is narrated in the Bible, and is a little different than other similar events celebrated in othe parts of Sicily.
    Jesus’ (the Baby), Joseph and Mary leave the church and walk towards the town, followed by the faithful, in search of food and lodging. In front of a house (the houses selected are traditionally the same for many years – Tranchina Umberto and Caminita Santina) Joseph knocked on the door using his pastoral staff, the owner opens and asks who they are and what they want. Joseph says: “We are three poor pilgrims seeking a place to sleep for the night,” to which the owner replied dryly in usticese dialect ” ‘Un c’e’ locu pi vui ” (I’m sorry there is no ‘place for you) and slams the door in their face. The three make another attempt, and received the exact same treatment. Finally our “heroes” are coming toward church and S. Joseph knocks on the door of the adjacent building . The person who opens the door asks ” Who are you? “Joseph says:” We are Jesus’, Joseph and Mary at which point that person opens his arms in a gesture of welcome and says :
    “Come all to my house! ” They go inside followed by all the people in the procession and find the famous ” table ” of St. Joseph with all kinds of food and specialites ( in the old days, i remember there was also a turtle

  2. Thank you Pietro for the beautiful pictures of the Ustica Festa di San Guiseppe !!! And thank you also Agostino, for the detailed story of this celebration in Ustica. When I sent in the fotos of the Festa in Seal Beach I forgot to mention that they just went to one door, the door to the church hall where Tavolo di San Guiseppe was. And of course they let them in !!! but we did not get to eat the beautiful food at the table, too many people. I am looking forward to being there in Ustica for the Festa di il Pescadori in Maggio !!!
    Marlene Robershaw, Manfre

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