Ustica sape

Riunione in casa Marlene Robershaw (Manfrè) – per ricordare …

[ id=6519 w=320 h=240 float=left]  GOD SMILED ON US TODAY !

This is the perfect comment after a day so blessed by God. Who else could have given us perfect weather, abundant attendance, a home filled with loving family, the best italian food this side of Sicily, beautiful pictures of Ustica, and such special guests from Ustica, New Orleans and all points around Southern California !!
Each of the 65-70 people in attendance are to be thanked for coming and bringing their love of family, but of special recognition are: Pietro and Pina Bertucci for coming from Ustica and giving us the pleasure of their company and information, Maria Compagno coming with them from New Orleans to add her perfect Tirramisu and southern hospitality, Chris Caravella and wife Pam also from New Orleans coming to meet everyone and the new “kids on the block”, the Marchese family of 24, related from the Ustica Manfres, Randos and Bertuccis. Then there is my one daughter Valerie, for her excellent and faithful supervision and work in the cucina the entire day, cousin Linda for procuring the projector for Pietro’s pictures off of his laptop computer, and the many new and old Usticesi who brought extra food and drink !!
The new Marchese’s on the Ustica Family Tree ranged from ages 3 yrs. old to Mario Marchese, age 85.
Marlene Marchese Robershaw and husband Ron Robershaw, Hosts of the Southern California Usticesi Reunion, Feb. 12, 2010


Dalla California Laura Marchese Stephenson

What a wonderful time my sisters and I had at the reunion, hosted by our gracious cousin, Marlene Robershaw and her husband, Ron. Meeting Pietro and Pina Bertucci was such an honor. The weather was perfect, the food superb, and the new friendships so warm and genuine. Pietro brought with him lovely greetings from Ustica and pictures of his beautiful homeland. My daughters and I will surely be going to the island of Ustica one day. Grazie, Marlene, Ron, Pietro & Pina.

Caio, Laura


Da Cosenza Salvio Foglia

Living memories, old and new, to meet the memory of places and people, imagine the scents and hear them inside …
In the old island flavors and fragrances of the youngest overseas Ustica, a border and redemption, pride of looking under two flags: the tricolor of the origins and “Stars and Stripes, emblem of a future now increasingly, road of no return.
Two nations are meeting to revive a single country; poignant thoughts echo through the happy clink of glasses and the excited chatter of an enthusiasm that is emotion … What’s in those voices?  What they say about those eyes busy to look for others eyes? Why are you smiling at the thought of the sea that imprisons the Black Pearl?
Do not confuse wander through timeless landscapes, roads minute and small houses of a village that was and is your?
The wind bends brittle stems, shake the water, thickens the sea: the same restlessness stirs your mind, feel your traps and pulls you a promise: “Soon I will find you!”


Vivere ricordi, antichi e nuovi, incontrare memoria di luoghi e persone, immaginare profumi e sentirli dentro…
Nei sapori della vecchia isola e nelle fragranze della più “giovane” Ustica d’oltreoceano, terra di frontiera e di riscatto, l’orgoglio di rivedersi sotto due bandiere: il tricolore delle origini e “Stars and Stripes”, emblema di un futuro ormai sempre più presente, strada senza ritorno.
Due nazioni si incontrano per far rivivere un unico paese; pensieri struggenti echeggiano tra il felice tintinnare di bicchieri e il vociare concitato di un entusiasmo che è anche commozione…
Cosa c’è in quelle voci? Cosa dicono quegli occhi indaffarati a cercare altri occhi? Perchè sorridi al pensiero del mare che imprigiona quella perla nera?
Non ti confonde passeggiare tra panorami senza tempo, le strade minute e le piccole case di un borgo che era ed è tuo?
Il vento piega fragili steli, agita le acque, ingrossa il mare: lo stesso turbine agita la tua mente, imprigiona il tuo sentire e ti strappa una promessa: “Presto verrò a trovarti!”



Da Orange County California Tom Robershaw

The reunion this weekend in San Diego, California was very special. The warm hearts of the Usticese people were reflected in all of the day’s activities. Pietro and Pina Bertucci traveled all the way to California from Ustica. Other guests, such as Maria Compagno and Chris Caravella, traveled across several states to attend. The mayor and the Centro Studi Ustica sent their kind greetings. Last but not least, the food and new friends made it a day to remember.
I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about Ustica and meet distant cousins. More importantly, I appreciated all of the effort that went into organizing the reunion. Thank you to everyone who helped make the reunion possible.



Da Orange County Roderick Verbeck (Prima)

Very good photos! We had a wonderful time. Thank you for inviting us to the Ustica celebration.
Best Regards Always,
Roderick Verbeck – Margaret Prima


Dalla California Michelle e Agostino Caserta

Marlene, we like to thank you, your husband Ron, your daughters, son Toni so eager to learn anything about Ustica, and the rest of your good looking Marchese Family for the beautiful party. My wife Michelle has special words for your twins grandchildren : ” They are beautiful golden Angels with blue eyes “.

Michelle, Agostino


Dalla California, per il Western Usticesi Fred Lauricella

Che belle parole del Dott. Messina e Vito Ailara. Grazie per i vostri pensieri gentili. Ustica è sempre nei nostri cuori.

Fred Lauricella


Per la traduzione  basta cliccare l’appropriata bandiera  che si trova in alto a destra …

2 risposte

  1. Marlene, we like to thank you, your husband Ron, your daughters, son Toni so eager to learn anything about Ustica, and the rest of your good looking Marchese Family for the beautiful party. My wife Michelle has special words for your twins grandchildren : ” They are beautiful golden Angels with blue eyes “.

  2. Vivere ricordi, antichi e nuovi, incontrare memoria di luoghi e persone, immaginare profumi e sentirli dentro…
    Nei sapori della vecchia isola e nelle fragranze della più “giovane” Ustica d’oltreoceano, terra di frontiera e di riscatto, l’orgoglio di rivedersi sotto due bandiere: il tricolore delle origini e “Stars and Stripes”, emblema di un futuro ormai sempre più presente, strada senza ritorno.
    Due nazioni si incontrano per far rivivere un unico paese; pensieri struggenti echeggiano tra il felice tintinnare di bicchieri e il vociare concitato di un entusiasmo che è anche commozione…
    Cosa c’è in quelle voci?
    Cosa dicono quegli occhi indaffarati a cercare altri occhi?
    Perchè sorridi al pensiero del mare che imprigiona quella perla nera?
    Non ti confonde passeggiare tra panorami senza tempo, le strade minute e le piccole case di un borgo che era ed è tuo?
    Il vento piega fragili steli, agita le acque, ingrossa il mare: lo stesso turbine agita la tua mente, imprigiona il tuo sentire e ti strappa una promessa:
    “Presto verrò a trovarti!”

    Living memories, old and new, to meet the memory of places and people, imagine the scents and hear them inside …
    In the old island flavors and fragrances of the youngest overseas Ustica, a border and redemption, pride of looking under two flags: the tricolor of the origins and “Stars and Stripes, emblem of a future now increasingly, road of no return.
    Two nations are meeting to revive a single country; poignant thoughts echo through the happy clink of glasses and the excited chatter of an enthusiasm that is emotion …
    What’s in those voices?
    What they say about those eyes busy to look for others eyes?
    Why are you smiling at the thought of the sea that imprisons the Black Pearl?
    Do not confuse wander through timeless landscapes, roads minute and small houses of a village that was and is your?
    The wind bends brittle stems, shake the water, thickens the sea: the same restlessness stirs your mind, feel your traps and pulls you a promise:

    “Soon I will find you!”

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