Isola di Santa Catalina Los Angeles California

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Dalla California Marlene Robershaw Manfrè

Pietro and Pina Bertucci, Salvatore and Maria Compagno paid a visit to the Island of Catalina, along with California Hosts, Ron and Marlene Robershaw (Manfre). We were greeted at the port of Catalina by friend of Marlene, Chuck Liddell. Chuck was there to take us on an Island Tour. Chuck is owner of Odyssey Charter Tours, also he owns Liddell Talent Management Co. where Marlene has had contact with many musicians for the Ramona Concert Association.

Catalina is very much like Ustica ,but twice as big and twice as many people. The Port and Island geography are very similar. On the Island tour we met up with a wild Buffalo and also saw an American Bald Eagle at a bird sanctuary. We visited the small airport that Chuck Liddell’s father had built before W.W. 11. We met with the City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to discuss the possibility of Catalina and Ustica being Sister City’s. The idea is being investigated.

In the pictures you will see many views of the beautiful Island, in the day and in the night. Like Ustica, the Island of Catalina lies 35 miles out to sea. Tourists are greeted with a lot of brochures at the dock and also a nearby Information Booth with someone there to answer questions and help.

The big round building is the historic Casino, no gambling, but where the Movie Stars and rich of the 30’s would come to dance with the Big Bands. The downstairs is a lovely theatre with movies.

We were all very interested in the colorful and quaint homes that line the streets of the main city, Avalon. There was a multitude of Italian Restaurants. The city celebrates their 100th anniversary this year.

Usticasape will be updating you on any progress for “Sister City.”

Ciao e Dio Benedica, Marlene Robershaw, Manfre




3 risposte


    Pietro and Pina Bertucci, Salvatore and Maria Compagno paid a visit to the Island of Catalina, along with California Hosts, Ron and Marlene Robershaw (Manfre). We were greeted at the port of Catalina by friend of Marlene, Chuck Liddell. Chuck was there to take us on an Island Tour. Chuck is owner of Odyssey Charter Tours, also he owns Liddell Talent Management Co. where Marlene has had contact with many musicians for the Ramona Concert Association.
    Catalina is very much like Ustica ,but twice as big and twice as many people. The Port and Island geography are very similar. On the Island tour we met up with a wild Buffalo and also saw an American Bald Eagle at a bird sanctuary. We visited the small airport that Chuck Liddell’s father had built before W.W. 11. We met with the City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to discuss the possibility of Catalina and Ustica being Sister City’s. The idea is being investigated.
    In the pictures you will see many views of the beautiful Island, in the day and in the night. Like Ustica, the Island of Catalina lies 35 miles out to sea. Tourists are greeted with a lot of brochures at the dock and also a nearby Information Booth with someone there to answer questions and help.
    The big round building is the historic Casino, no gambling, but where the Movie Stars and rich of the 30’s would come to dance with the Big Bands. The downstairs is a lovely theatre with movies.
    We were all very interested in the colorful and quaint homes that line the streets of the main city, Avalon. There was a multitude of Italian Restaurants. The city celebrates their 100th anniversary this year.
    Usticasape will be updating you on any progress for “Sister City.”
    Ciao e Dio Benedica, Marlene Robershaw, Manfre

  2. I am very excited that our guests from Italy were able to tour Catalina. I have been visiting Catalina ever since I was young and have always been fascinated with its charming beauty. Maybe that is why I feel so connected to the little island of Ustica. I continue to visit Catalina to camp, hike and scuba dive. I would love to see a “sister” connection between Catalina and Ustica. What a fantastic idea!

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