Ustica sape

Incontro con Famiglie Manfrè – Licciardi a Sliedel LA

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Da Chalmette (N.O.) Frank Mumphrey (Manfrè)

My father’s family, both Mumphrey and Licciardi, emigrated from Ustica to New Orleans. The Mumphrey’s came over during the early 1890’s and the Licciardi’s during the early 1900’s. The Mumphrey’s were farmers in Ustica and continued to farm in America. The Mumphrey Farm was in Meraux, Louisiana and eventually expanded into neighboring Chalmette. Most of St. Bernard Parish was farmland with a heavy concentration of Italian immigrants from Ustica. The Mumphrey Family was one of the first Italian Families to settle in St. Bernard Parish as were the Licciardi’s. Over the years we have stayed in contact with our family back in Ustica through visits, letters, and phone calls. I myself along with my two cousins, Anthony & Abraham Boackle, traveled to Ustica in May 2011. I’m planning another trip next year sometime between May and July. On Sunday, April 21st I had the pleasure of having the Bertucci’s and the Compagno’s as my guests for lunch at my family’s home in Slidell. We enjoyed great company and great food. I was really happy we were all able to get together. We also called our cousin Gianna Licciardi in Ustica and were able to talk to her for a while. I enjoyed our visit very much, it was a very good day. I look forward to visiting with our out of town guests again before they return to Ustica.

Frank Mumphrey (Manfrè)


2 risposte

  1. My father’s family, both Mumphrey and Licciardi, emigrated from Ustica to New Orleans. The Mumphrey’s came over during the early 1890’s and the Licciardi’s during the early 1900’s. The Mumphrey’s were farmers in Ustica and continued to farm in America. The Mumphrey Farm was in Meraux, Louisiana and eventually expanded into neighboring Chalmette. Most of St. Bernard Parish was farmland with a heavy concentration of Italian immigrants from Ustica. The Mumphrey Family was one of the first Italian Families to settle in St. Bernard Parish as were the Licciardi’s. Over the years we have stayed in contact with our family back in Ustica through visits, letters, and phone calls. I myself along with my two cousins, Anthony & Abraham Boackle, traveled to Ustica in May 2011. I’m planning another trip next year sometime between May and July. On Sunday, April 21st I had the pleasure of having the Bertucci’s and the Compagno’s as my guests for lunch at my family’s home in Slidell. We enjoyed great company and great food. I was really happy we were all able to get together. We also called our cousin Gianna Licciardi in Ustica and were able to talk to her for a while. I enjoyed our visit very much, it was a very good day. I look forward to visiting with our out of town guests again before they return to Ustica.

    Frank Mumphrey

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