I am traveling to Ustica in a little over a week and would like to locate any relatives who might still be living on the island. I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana and traced my grandmother’s parents ancestry back to Ustica. her name was Genevieve Pittari Langenhennig. The Ustican family names are Pittari (my grandmother’s grandfather’s family name) and Palmesana/Palmisano(?) (my grandmother’s grandmother’s maiden name). Please see the attached ship register copies, etc. for the names (highlighted). Do you know how I might be able to locate any remaining relatives in Ustica?
Thank you in advance!
Shelley Langenhennig Poore
Mi metterò in viaggio verso Ustica tra poco più di una settimana e vorrei individuare eventuali parenti che potrebbero ancora vivere sull’isola . Sono cresciuto a New Orleans , Louisiana e risalendo l’albero genealogico sono giunto fino ai genitori di mia nonna, che era di Ustica . Il suo nome era Genevieve Pittari Langenhennig . I cognomi usticese sono Pittari ( cognome del nonno di mia nonna ) e Palmesana / Palmisano ( ? ) ( Nome da nubile della nonna di mia nonna ) . la prego di consultare le copie del registro navale allegati ecc per i nomi ( evidenziati) . Sa come potrei essere in grado di individuare eventuali parenti rimasti a Ustica ?
Grazie in anticipo!
Shelley Langenhennig Poore
From America Gay Lyon
Shelley, I hope you have discovered http://www.ustica.org, which has details of your grandmother’s line back several generations. It shows your relation to several Ustica families besides Pittari, including Gallo, Malerba, Randazzo, Tauro, Caserta, Maggiore, and others.
Una risposta
Shelley, I hope you have discovered http://www.ustica.org, which has details of your grandmother’s line back several generations. It shows your relation to several Ustica families besides Pittari, including Gallo, Malerba, Randazzo, Tauro, Caserta, Maggiore, and others.