Ustica sape

Emozionati e orgogliosi di aver ricevuto la cittadinanza italiana – (Italian citizenship)

[ id=10826 w=320 h=240 float=left] I want to share my happiness with the readers of Usticasape. Last week my mother’s and my application for Italian citizenship was accepted. We are very excited and proud, and celebrated this past weekend.

A few years ago, I was visiting New York City on business. My mother asked me to look for the apartment where my great grandfather, Mario Marchese, lived when he came to America. He immigrated from Mezzo Monreale in 1901. I began thinking about the risks he took to come to a new country with no money or job. He sacrificed to provide a better life for his family.

Two years ago, I visited Palermo and Ustica for the first time with my mother. I immediately fell in love with Sicily, its culture and history. Our visit to Ustica, in particular, was the highlight of the trip. When we came home we immediately began working on the citizenship application. Today I am very proud to say I am Italian. I hope that citizenship will open new vistas and roads for my children, just as my great grandfather gave his descendants greater opportunities. I also hope that I can make a positive contribution to Italy in my lifetime.

Tom Robershaw Marchese Manfrè


[ id=10827 w=320 h=240 float=left]Voglio condividere la mia felicità con i lettori di Usticasape. La settimana scorsa la domanda di cittadinanza italiana di mia madre e mia è stata accettata. Siamo molto emozionati e orgogliosi, ed abbiamo festeggiato la settimana passata.

Alcuni anni fa, stavo visitando New York City per un viaggio d’affari. Mia madre mi ha chiesto di cercare l’appartamento in cui il mio bisnonno, Mario Marchese, viveva quando è arrivato in America. Ha immigrrato da Mezzo Monreale in 1901. Ho cominciato a pensare ai rischi che lui ha corso per venire in un paese nuovo, senza soldi nè lavoro. Si è sacrificato per dare una migliore vita alla sua famiglia.

Due anni fa, con mia mamma, ho visitato per la prima volta Palermo e Ustica. Immediatamente mi sono innamorato della Sicilia, della sua cultura e della sua storia. La nostra visita a Ustica, in particolare, è stato il punto culminante del viaggio. Quando siamo ritornati a casa, immediatamente, abbiamo cominciato a lavorare per la domanda di cittadinanza. Oggi sono molto orgoglioso di dire che sono italiano. Spero che la cittadinanza apra nuove prospettive e nuove strade per i miei bambini, come il mio bisnonno le ha dato ai suoi discendenti. Inoltre spero che possa dare un contributo positivo in Italia nel mio corso della vita.

Tom Robershaw Marchese Manfrè



Da Ustica Bruno Campolo

congratulazioni, benvenuti in Italia. Sicuramente questa Italia ha bisogno di persone che Le vogliono bene e Voi fate al nostro caso. Tanti auguri e buone feste.


Dalla California Marlene Robershaw Manfrè

Want to explain the pictures—-top picture is Tom and Marlene in front of house grandfather Mario Marchese lived in San Jose, Ca. and 7 of his children born in this house. Tom’s grandpa John Marchese born here in 1913.

Next photo is Tom and Marlene with Letizia Manfre and family in 2010 when we met them after talking with Padre Lauro in the church.

Marlene Robershaw, Manfre


Dalla California Agostino Caserta

Marlene congratulations to you Tom and your cousin Laurie Marchese for getting the Italian citizenship. Wow i remember when i got my American, involves lots of paper work and effort but it is worted. We are honored to have you citizen of the old country. I undestand you are studying Italian, next step would be a little sicilian and usticese dialect, i think Tom is ready for that.



3 risposte

  1. Marlene congratulations to you Tom and your cousin Laurie Marchese for getting the Italian citizenship. Wow i remember when i got my American, involves lots of paper work and effort but it is worted. We are honored to have you citizen of the old country. I undestand you are studying Italian, next step would be a little sicilian and usticese dialect, i think Tom is ready for that.

  2. Want to explain the pictures—-top picture is Tom and Marlene in front of house grandfather Mario Marchese lived in San Jose, Ca. and 7 of his children born in this house. Tom’s grandpa John Marchese born here in 1913.
    Next photo is Tom and Marlene with Letizia Manfre and family in 2010 when we met them after talking with Padre Lauro in the church.
    Marlene Robershaw, Manfre

  3. congratulazioni, benvenuti in Italia. Sicuramente questa Italia ha bisogno di persone che Le vogliono bene e Voi fate al nostro caso. Tanti auguri e buone feste,bruno campolo

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