Voto anticipato per le Amministrative in Sicilia
Rispetto al resto d’Italia, dove si andrà alle urne il 26 e il 27 maggio, in Sicilia la giunta regionale ha stabilito la data di elezioni comunali e provinciali al 21 e 22 Aprile prossimi. I comuni in provincia di Palermo interessati al voto sono: Partinico, Capaci, Lercara, Montemaggiore, Polizzi Generosa, Castronovo, Sciara, Alimena, Geraci Siculo, Roccamena, Ustica, Campofiorito, Gratteri, Cefalà Diana e Sclafani Bagni.
Dalla California Agostino Caserta
Hi Marlene, i don’t think you will get an invitation to go and vote. You will get it only for National Election and will be able to vote by mail in the states unless you want to travel to Italy and vote in Palermo, but you need in order to be elegible to vote by mail, to be registered as a voter at the Consulate in San Diego. This is a Local Election. I, instead, am elegible to vote in this Municipal election in Ustica ( in the City of Palermo there is no Municipal election by the way ) only because i belong to AIRE ( Anagraph Italians Resident Estero ( Estero means abroad ). You dont belong to AIRE, your status is little different, so tecnically i am still resident in Ustica, even thoug i am resident in Rancho Mirage. I have dual citizenship like you
Dalla California Marlene Robershaw Manfrè
because I am citizen of Palermo, with an Italian passport, I don’t know if I vote with Sicily, or Italy ?? Citizens of Italy living abroad, are supposed to get the vote in mail, I will wait and see. Marlene Robershaw, Manfre
dal momento che io sono cittadino di Palermo, con il passaporto italiano, non so se io voto con la Sicilia, o Italia? I cittadini Italiani che vivono all’estero, si suppone dovrebbero votare per posta, aspetterò e vedrò. Marlene Robershaw, Manfre
Marlene RobershawManfrè
2 risposte
because I am citizen of Palermo, with an Italian passport, I don’t know if I vote with Sicily, or Italy ?? Citizens of Italy living abroad, are supposed to get the vote in mail, I will wait and see. Marlene Robershaw, Manfre
dal momento che io sono cittadino di Palermo, con il passaporto italiano, non so se io voto con la Sicilia, o Italia? I cittadini Italiani che vivono all’estero, si suppone dovrebbero votare per posta, aspetterò e vedrò. Marlene Robershaw, Manfre
Hi Marlene, i don’t think you will get an invitation to go and vote. You will get it only for National Election and will be able to vote by mail in the states unless you want to travel to Italy and vote in Palermo, but you need in order to be elegible to vote by mail, to be registered as a voter at the Consulate in San Diego. This is a Local Election. I, instead, am elegible to vote in this Municipal election in Ustica ( in the City of Palermo there is no Municipal election by the way ) only because i belong to AIRE ( Anagraph Italians Resident Estero ( Estero means abroad ). You dont belong to AIRE, your status is little different, so tecnically i am still resident in Ustica, even thoug i am resident in Rancho Mirage. I have dual citizenship like you.