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Dalla California Agostino Caserta
Hi Cathy, i live in California was born in Ustica. I went to http://www.ustica.org on to the geanology page and find out that Giuseppina “Ramona” Caserta ( b. abt 1856 Ustica, d. 20-Aug-1926 New Orleans) married. 19-Jan-1885 New Orleans Antonino Pittari.
Francesco Pittari (b. 25-Sep-1831 Ustica, d. 01-Sep-1888 Ustica) married 19-Nov-1854 Ustica Maria Caserta
This picture is about 1910. Some of these people are same age as of Giuseppina Ramona Caserta, and who knows, she or her mother Maria Caserta with husband Francesco Pittari may even be in this picture…. the babies are at least one generation younger. Population in Ustica has always been at around 1,200, is very possible that Giuseppina Ramona Caserta and Maria Caserta are related to the Casertas that we see in this picture.
Ciao Cathy, io vivo in California, e sono nato a Ustica. Sono andato a http://www.ustica.org alla pagina di geanology e ho trovato che Giuseppina “Ramona” Caserta (nato circa 1856 Ustica, d. 20-ago-1926 New Orleans), sposata. 19-gen-1885 New Orleans Antonino Pittari.
Francesco Pittari (b. 25-Set-1831 Ustica, d. 01-set-1888 Ustica) ha sposato 19-Nov-1854 a Ustica Maria Caserta
Questa foto risale circa al 1910. Alcune di queste persone sono coetaneo di Giuseppina Ramona Caserta, e chi lo sa, lei o sua madre Maria Caserta con il marito Francesco Pittari può anche essere in questa foto …. i bambini sono almeno una generazione più giovane. La popolazione a Ustica è sempre stata di circa 1.200 abitanti, è molto probabile che Giuseppina Ramona Caserta e Maria Caserta sono legati ai Caserta che vediamo in questa foto.
Dalla Louisiana Cathy Neight
My great grandmother was Guiseppina Caserta, born in Ustica married to Antonino PIttari, son of Maria Caserta and Francesco Pittari. Would love to know if this is any of that family.
———– Traduzione
La mia bisnonna era Guiseppina Caserta, nata a Ustica sposata con Antonino Pittari, figlio di Maria Caserta e Francesco Pittari. Mi piacerebbe sapere se questa fa parte di quella famiglia.
2 risposte
My great grandmother was Guiseppina Caserta, born in Ustica married to Antonino PIttari, son of Maria Caserta and Francesco Pittari. Would love to know if this is any of that family.
Hi Cathy, i live in California was born in Ustica. I went to http://www.ustica.org on to the geanology page and find out that Giuseppina “Ramona” Caserta ( b. abt 1856 Ustica, d. 20-Aug-1926 New Orleans) married. 19-Jan-1885 New Orleans Antonino Pittari.
Francesco Pittari (b. 25-Sep-1831 Ustica, d. 01-Sep-1888 Ustica) married 19-Nov-1854 Ustica Maria Caserta
This picture is about 1910. Some of these people are same age as of Giuseppina Ramona Caserta, and who knows, she or her mother Maria Caserta with husband Francesco Pittari may even be in this picture…. the babies are at least one generation younger. Population in Ustica has always been at around 1,200, is very possible that Giuseppina Ramona Caserta and Maria Caserta are related to the Casertas that we see in this picture.
Agostino Caserta