Alla mamma più dolce e meravigliosa del mondo che ci ha sempre dato instancabilmente amore senza misura e alla nonna affettuosa e amorevole per i suoi 5 nipotini in coro ti diciamo tutti BUON COMPLEANNO e l’AUGURIO che ti facciamo è di vivere ogni giorno con la gioia e il sorriso che tu ci hai insegnato !
Ti vogliamo bene
Dalla California Rallene Robershaw
A HAPPY-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PINA!!!! FRom the book of Proverbs in the Bible:
the price of a virtuous woman is more valuable than rubies and gems.she rises early and gives food to her household. She will do her husband good. She works hard and gives to the poor. She is clothed with strength and honor. She opens her mouth with wisdom and kindness. She is not idle.
Her children rise up and call her blessed, and her husband praises her. A woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.
This is PINA !!!!!!!
from Marlene Robershaw, a friend and admirer
Dalla Virginia Angelo Palmisano
Happy Birthday Pina.
Da New Orlean Famiglia Pittari
Pina, birthday greetings to you, a gracious lady. May God bless you today and always.
Dominick, Marlene, Nick, Kerri, Ethan and Tony
5 risposte
Happy Birthday Pina.
A HAPPY-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PINA!!!! FRom the book of Proverbs in the Bible:
the price of a virtuous woman is more valuable than rubies and gems.she rises early and gives food to her household. She will do her husband good. She works hard and gives to the poor. She is clothed with strength and honor. She opens her mouth with wisdom and kindness. She is not idle.
Her children rise up and call her blessed, and her husband praises her. A woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.
This is PINA !!!!!!!
from Marlene Robershaw, a friend and admirer
Auguri, ancorché in ritardo. L’affetto della tua famiglia li rende ancora più belli!
Buon Compleanno Pina!! Te desidero un giorno pieno di felicita e gioia con la famiglia e amici! Un bacione!!!
Happy belated Birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day.