Forte nevicata ad Ustica
Da Praga Pavla Fuccillo
Bellissima foto!
Da Praga Pavla Fuccillo
Bellissima foto!
Dalla Virginia Angelo Palmisano
Rarely seen on usticasape….a photo of Pietro…. He is usually on the other side of the camera.
Dalla California Rosanna Giorgio
Ciao Maria!!
It is so nice to see you still enjoying your family. It was so nice to meet you and I wish I was still there with you all. Have a wonderful rest of your vacation! Bacioni!!!!!
Dalla California Rosanna Giorgio Oh beautiful Ustica!! Even when the seas are rough, the beauty of those colorful splashing waves is a wonderful sight to see! You may not be able to go for a swim that day but a walk around the island with the ocean views of turquoise waves crashing against that dark volcanic rock. Meraviglioso!!!!!!!!!!!
“L’arroganza umilia anche quando hai ragione, l’umiltà esalta anche quando hai torto.”
A Bartolomeo Basile
a Michele D’Angelo
a Eugenio Ficardi i Migliori
Auguri di Buon Compleanno
Oggi si festeggia S. Elena
Auguri a tutti coloro che festeggiano
il loro Onomastico sotto questo Nome.