Salvatore Russo (tuturi) vende ricci di mare
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Dalla California Marlene Robershaw Manfrè
Thanks so much Agostino !!!! adesso io capisco !!! I hope we can follow this effort and see what happens ?? I sometimes read things about efforts from the Usticesi to bring needed changes etc., but never hear if anything accomplished ??
Grazie mille Agostino!! Adesso io Capisco! Spero che si possa seguire questo sforzo e vedere cosa succede. Io a volte leggo iniziative degli usticesi per portare cambiamenti necessari, ecc, ma mai sentito se qualcosa è stata realizzata.
Dalla California Agostino Caserta
Hi Marlene, being a document with legal terminology is hard to translate and at the end probably could create still some misunderstanding or confusion so i will try to tell you in plain words what is this all about.
After the recent Local Election the list that won the race is represented in Council by 8 council-man or women ( majority ) and the other list is represented by 4 council-man ( minority or opposition ).
After the Elections the Major elected played very tough and did not assigned any job or task even secondary or for help, to any of the minority council-man ( decision which is within the Law ).
But the Law also says that the Minority has the right to be included in work that precede Council Deliberations and major decision in general by the all Council. The legislators thought about everything. In this way the Minority is non left out completely, would have a job to do, be involwed and would not be a passive spectator only.
The Minority called “L’isola” sent to the Mayor in July a request to obey the law and include the Minority in the active life of the Municipality. The Mayor has not answered yet. Now there is a political game going on and the all thng is going pubblic.
The document that we see in the pictures, explain citing the articles of the Law, why the Minority has the right to have an active task at City Hall.
I personally approve the petition. Gives a chance to the Minority to work and collaborate. The other way would make them feel like they are left out, or enemy of the Island.
Dalla California Marlene Robershaw Manfrè
could we have a little English translation with this.?? Unable to transfer this to Bing translation. It looks like it has to do with Island autonomy ?? If so, very important subject.!!
Marco Ailara ricorda che Venerdì 27-09-2013, in occasione del 1° anniversario della scomparsa di Pino Ailara, nella Parrocchia San Ferdinando Re di Ustica, durante la Santa Messa delle 19.00, sarà ricordato suo Padre.
Amici e parenti sono invitati a partecipare.
“ Papà, vivi e vivrai sempre nei nostri cuori, ti sentiamo sempre vicino a noi”.
Per farsi dei nemici non è necessario dichiarar
guerra, basta dire quel che si pensa
Martin Luther King
A Luigi Parlato
a Marco Mignano
a Giuseppe di Pasquale i Migliori
Auguri di Buon Compleanno
Oggi si festeggia S. Pacifico
Auguri a tutti coloro che festeggiano
il loro Onomastico sotto quest0 Nome.