Punto di ristorazione per militari

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Vista Mulino a vento e campi sportivi…

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Processione Corpus Domini

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Marianna Bertucci: Ustica is a magical place…Grazie… – I will be back

[ id=18334 w=320 h=240 float=left] I went to Ustica to find my family – and I found family and so much more! I arrived via the Ustica Lines catamaran on a Monday morning. The last members of my immediate branch of the Bertucci family to visit Ustica were my grandparents, Felix and Estelle Bertucci, of New Orleans, on their honeymoon in 1930. I had always wanted to visit Ustica and at the first sight of the island from the ferry, my dream was coming true.

The staff of Hotel Diana met me at the ferry and took me to the hotel. Hotel Diana is lovely! The owners are very hospitable and kind hosts — they took great care of me. The hotel is in a great location with a beautiful swimming pool where I spent many hours. I highly recommend Hotel Diana for all Ustica visitors. The hotel even made lentil soup from Ustica lentils just for me! I went to the center of town and wandered the streets from the port to the centre. I visited the beautiful church which holds statues to the major local saints including Saints Rosalia and Bartolomeo.

The next morning, my cousin Pietro Bertucci, came to the hotel to pick me up. I quickly learned you never knew what adventures were in store with Pietro. He took me all over the island! The first day we did a tour to help my get my bearings on Ustica. We went to the old fort that also houses ruins dating back to 1,000 years BC. There were many men working hard to replace the safety railings and to clean up this historic site for summer visitors. [ id=18335 w=320 h=240 float=right]

Later, we stopped at the home of another Pietro Bertucci where we picked mulberries (which were delicious) and met Angelo Bertucci. As we met, we just kept pointing at each other and saying “Tutti Bertucci!” Pietro demonstrated his outdoor pizza and bread oven and said that on my next visit, we will make pizza. In my five days on Ustica, Pietro made sure that I met many Bertuccis – including lovely Licia who welcomed me into her home, Lia and kind Bartola who let us pick peaches from her wonderful peach trees and gave us tasty tomatoes and cucumber. We also visited many of Pietro’s friends who were always welcoming and caring.

Pietro took me to the top of   (altro…)

Campi sportivi con spogliatoi in costruzione

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Dalla California Agostino Caserta

Ammappete ! li potevano costruire anche a Tramontana questi spogliatoi….queste cose succedono quando I cittadini e le Organizzazioni con la testa sulle spalle e di buon senso non fanno la dovuta vigilanza  sull’operato delle Amm.ni. Questa insensata scelta si poteva evitare. Si spera che da ora in poi ci saranno controlli adeguati per prevenire incongruenze come questa.

Aforismi, Citazioni, Proverbi… del giorno

Sindaco 2 (3)Con l’avanzare dell’età, ci rendiamo conto che la
vendetta è ancora la più sicura forma di giustizia.

Henry Becque





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