Una giornata a Cala Sidoti
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Da New Orleans Paola Licciardi
My husband Joseph Licciardi (grandson of Louis Licciardi) who immigrated to USA from Ustica as a child was always told of his family back in Italy. Through social media I (Paula Licciardi) was able to stay in contact with Pietro Bertucci for last couple of years and this week my husband was able to meet with fellow Usticans at a local restaurant in our hometown of Chalmette, La. We attempted a complicated trip to Italy last year but were unable to board the ferry to get to Ustica. We are now planning a trip for June of next year We look forward to meeting everyone and especially Gianna Licciardi Thank you Pietro for helping make one of my husbands dreams come true to meet his family from Ustica his father would be proud. Thanks again everyone for a great time and dinner
Paula S. Licciardi
A Giuseppe Zanca
a Antonella Licciardi
a RosaTranchina
a Stephane Caltagirone
a Giovanni Lo Piccolo i Migliori
Auguri di Buon Compleanno
Oggi si festeggia S. Adalgisa.
Auguri a tutti coloro che festeggiano
il loro Onomastico sotto quest0 Nome.